the title

Daniele Pisanello

Founding partner

Daniele Pisanello is a practicing lawyer admitted to the Italian Bar, expert in Food Law and the founding partner of LEX ALIMENTARIA Law Firm. Since March 2018 he is admitted to represent at the highest judicial authority of Italy, the Supreme Court of Cassation. EU Independent Regulatory Expert for EAS Consulting (USA) and member of the Food Ingredient and Health Research Institute (USA) steering committee.


phone number: +39 349 5849718


The professional experience of Mr. Pisanello focuses on the compliance of food companies in terms of health regulations and communication of the food product. For some time, he has been advising leading production and distribution companies operating in Italy. He also dedicates his time to the representation, including judicial, of manufacturers of organic and other regulated agro-food products. In addition to counselling such large clients as an Italian national professional association, Mr. Pisanello also works with pan-European clients, assisting their cross-border market access projects.



Mr. Pisanello has extensive experience teaching at universities and training institutions. Among the main teaching positions held:

  • Former contract professor of the first Master’s degree in Food Law (Faculty of Law, University of Turin, academic year 2006-2007)
  • Co-founder with prof. A. Alemanno of the 1st EFFL Summer Academy on Food Law & Policy (2009), its executive director.
  • Since 2010, trainer for the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA, Luxembourg) in the field of Food Law.
  • Lecturer of European Food Law and Legislation in training programs for European Commission officials or for officials from third countries or EU accession countries (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Turkey, etc.).
  • Lecturer at Master’s and Bachelor’s courses in the field of Food Law, including the MasterFood programme of the University of Pisa and the Cafla programme of the University of Eastern Piedmont, in with he is actively engaged.



Mr. Pisanello is the author of several monographs in English, including:

  • Novel Foods in the European Union, upcoming SpringerBriefs, Chemistry of Foods
  • Chemistry of Foods: EU Legal and Regulatory Approaches, 2014, SpringerBriefs, Chemistry of Foods.

Among his Italian publications is Guida alla Legislazione alimentare (Guide to Food Legislation), EPC Books, 2010, as well as numerous articles and commentaries for legal journals (Diritto Comunitario degli Scambi Internazionali, European Risk Regulation Journal, European Food and Feed Law Review, etc.) and newspapers and magazines (ItaliaOggi, EU Food Law, Ristorando, etc.).

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